Thrive Themes Review (5 Reasons to Make the Switch)

Thrive Themes review

Having used several Thrive Themes products for my websites over the years, I thought it would be good to write a review about their WordPress themes, page builders, and plugins.

I can honestly say that discovering Thrive Themes several years ago was a turning point in my online business. Things have evolved since then, but I am still a happy user of various Thrive products.

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10 Best WordPress Blogging Tools for Beginners and Pros

Best WordPress blogging tools for beginners and pros

The Internet is overcrowded with WordPress blogging tools, services, and other goodies designed to make your life as a blogger easier.

I’ve used (and paid for) many tools over the years, and I now know what works for me and what doesn’t. The below blogging tools are those that I use on a regular basis, or are tools that I have happily used in the past.

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How to Remove the URL Field from the WordPress Comment Form (And 3 Reasons You Shouldn’t)

How to remove the URL field in WordPress comments

It’s no secret that WordPress websites attract tons of spam comments, comments that often make no sense whatsoever.

A reputable anti-spam plugin such as Akismet does a really good job at filtering these out, so that you don’t need to waste your time moderating them.

But WordPress websites, especially the ones with a decent level of accumulated authority, also attract comments that aren’t necessarily spam.

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How to Add Breadcrumbs in GeneratePress

How to add breadcrumbs in GeneratePress

GeneratePress is a free, lightweight theme that can be extended by installing a premium plugin that allows you to add essential features.

One of the many things you can do with the GP premium plugin is using Hook Elements to “hook” your own custom code into various areas of the theme without changing core theme files.

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How to Add an Author Box in GeneratePress

How to add an author box in GeneratePress

GeneratePress is a free, lightweight theme that can be extended by a premium plugin that allows you to add essential features.

One of the many things you can do with the GP premium plugin is using Hook Elements to “hook” your own custom code into various areas of the theme without changing core theme files.

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